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What Can You Expect from My Services?

Your Healthcare Journey

"Throughout my career, I’ve assisted clients in defining their most complex obstacles and building long-lasting strategies." Take a look at Ann Marie's resume on Linkedin to learn more about her professional and educational experience, and get in touch today. Once you make an appointment you will receive a Zoom link and  Ann Marie will be notified. You will talk for 30 minutes and be provided various options. If on the odd occasion the fit doesn't suite you, she will do her best to direct you to someone who can.

Initial Medical Concern

Encountering a new medical setback is difficult.  It can often leave you questioning how to approach a solution and the best way to seek care. Who guides you? Ann Marie will act as your advocate, as an initial resource to thoroughly understand the issue at hand. We plan with  you as the guide. You will develop insight for personalized solutions.  When it comes to your medical well-being, set aside the time, stress, and money from seeking out blind advice - Ann Marie will be your advocate to set you in the right direction. 


Nutrition Counseling

Every person requires a different nutrition plan, depending on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Let's explore your relationship with food and how your program will continuously work for you. Together, we will establish an action-oriented plan with goals to target your wellness journey, keeping in mind that simple and realistic goals make the greatest successes.

Pregnancy and Motherhood

Congratulations! Being an expectant mom is a very exciting time, but may also be a little nerve-racking. Friends and family will offer endless, well-meaning advice from books to personal experiences, but sometimes the impending responsibility may become too overwhelming. Ann Marie will be by your side offering a calm voice to guide you and your little one, creating the best plan for you in this exciting time.


Taking care of children, and yourself (as we often forget), is one of the most challenging times in life. Children and parents are brought together to teach each other about life.  You may have questions about your children's health, your own, or corresponding challenges. Your combined health is interrelated, and may be solved through a low-maintenance plan bringing you more time to enjoy with your family.

Neurological Family-Client Coaching

Neurological issues are near and dear to her heart. They come in all shapes and sizes, presenting symptoms that are challenging to understand, making solutions difficult to interpret. How do you understand why your loved one acts the way they do and how can you work together to communicate and plan for happier days? Health professionals can offer educated advice, but it is difficult to retrieve true perspective without personal experience. Ann Marie has firsthand insight combined with expertise into many neurological challenges.

Family Care Coordination

Providing for family in a time of need presents a new challenge and stressful problem solving. Often when a parent or grandparent presents a new medical ailment, it is difficult to make decisions on their behalf without having a clear picture. Ann Marie is available to develop a thorough understanding for the ailment and available treatment options in order to develop creative solutions that work for your family.

Continued Guidance

Once conducting our initial sessions, questions may continue to come up along the way.   Otherwise, you may want to try an alternative treatment, supplement, or have questions.  Our continued relationship depends on your trust in me as your advisor for health, wellness, and the life journey. Let me work with you to develop a plan for partial sessions or brief consultations, as they best fit.



The Answers You Need

Q: I have heard about health coaches but I still don't understand what exactly it is you do? 

A: Health Coaching is a relatively new concept in healthcare.  I am a Nationally Certified  Nurse Coach with the American Nurses Association.  As an expert in the field with a passion to make health and wellness and healthcare work, let me explain what I am able to do. Go to my blog for more under What Exactly Is a Health Coach

What do I need to do to prepare for my coaching session?

Book your appointment and arrive to the session with a goal or question in mind. That's about it! Wellness coaching is not a scripted process with a pre-determined outcome. Each conversation is different and the only thing you need to do as a client is to communicate honestly and openly.

What can a Health and Wellness Nurse Coach help with?

As a Registered Nurse with experience in the healthcare field, I've worked in environments from critical care in a traditional medical facility to case management for a non-profit organization focusing on low-income clients.  My experience offers a steady voice to provide guidance, but also recognizes that no one has all the answers! My favorite sessions are when we work together to realize solutions as a team. You will gain insight and it will get easier.

How many sessions are necessary?

The most effective number of sessions is 3-5 with periodic follow up whenever you wish. We look at the goal that is set and your individual needs, circumstance, time, and motivation, etc.. At your preference, we may schedule consultations as frequently as you prefer, but I ask that you take responsibility to followup with the sessions arranged or communicate if a change is required.

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